What Might You Do?

There are so many people in and of this world today.

Everywhere you turn there is fear, anxiety, stress, sickness, disease, hunger, poverty, lonliness, helplessness, and worst of all; hopelessness.

When you struggle or watch someone you love struggle with any of the above, it breaks your heart into pieces. One piece for each time you see that hope dwindle from the depths of their eyes. They get further and further and further away. Pretty soon you even begin to doubt the hope you have for them.

How can anyone recover from no hope? As in 1 Peter,  Praise be to God for a living hope!

God has blessed us much more richly than we deserve. God has given us his word. God has given us his only Son, Jesus Christ! In Jesus we find hope! In Jesus we can find peace and strength to carry us through! Jesus taught us to know his Fathers word and to stand firm in his word. Jesus taught us to pray to our Father who concerns himself with a single sparrow. As in Matthew , Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Oh praise our God that we are so important to him!  Jesus taught us how to serve and love one another and build one another up! Jesus taught us sacrifice for our brothers and sisters. As in Matthew where Jesus said;  Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

Folks, we need to be as concerned with one another as our God is with one single sparrow. Lest no one should have to suffer without a brother or sister there to read God’s word, pray God’s will for them, serve them, love them with the love of Christ, and yes, sacrifice for them. As in 1 John; we ought to lay downour lives for or brothers and sisters.

If you find yourself in a hard situation where others may critize you for going above and beyond for your fellow man/woman; remember what Christ, the very messiah did for you and the world!! How can we put ourselves above others knowing this? How do we just stand by and watch it happen without action? How do we let a brother or sister suffer alone? How do we withhold when we have been blessed? One answer may be as in John where Jesus said; I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.

These are all very good questions we should examine ourselves and ask daily. I know I have been doing that very thing recently!

Let’s just make a promise today friends to find a way to help one person everyday in the name of Jesus! Remember, it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or broadcast on the nightly news. Remember, it’s about being a servant in God’s Kingdom to all of God’s creation. It can be as simple as a reassuring hug or as grand as feeding the multitudes!

Let’s pray without ceasing for a spirit of service and love!

One thought on “What Might You Do?

  1. A very powerful and comforting post. Makes me think of the fruit of the Spirit. These fruits in Christ should be our desire and it should be accepted and understood by one another because this is what Christ has done for us. Thank you for posting this. It’s so specific in how we are to live as followers and lovers of Jesus.

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